# Graph Algorithms

Several graph algorithms are already implemented in Breadboard. This list includes most of them and example output for each.

Graph Documentation Result
Complete g.complete() Complete Graph
Geometric Random g.geometricRandom([distance: 0 - 1]) Geometric Random Graph
Grid g.grid() Grid
Ladder g.ladder() Ladder Graph
Pairs g.pairs() Pairs
Preferential Attachment (Barabási–Albert) g.barabasiAlbert([edges per node]) Preferential Attachment Graph
Random (Erdős–Rényi) g.random([probability: 0 - 1]) Random Graph
Ring g.ring() Ring Graph
Ring Lattice g.ringLattice([degree of nodes to connect]) Ring Lattice Graph
Small World (Watts-Strogatz) g.wattsStrogatz([degree], [probability: 0-1]) Small World Graph
Star g.star() Star Graph
Wheel g.wheel() Wheel Graph