# Form Module APIs

Find more information and examples of forms here.

# Form

# Constructor

Arguments: Map opts

Map opts

Parameter Type Default Description
name String The unique key to use to identify this form
stepper Boolean true Indicates whether or not the progress through the form should be shown
nonLinear Boolean false Indicates whether the form can only be navigated in order (this is the default) or if the players can jump to different pages
recordResults Boolean true Record an event for each page submission
recordNav Boolean false Record an event for each form navigation
pageDefaults Map [:] Sets default options for each page added to this form
sectionDefaults Map [:] Sets default options for each section added to this form
questionDefaults Map [:] Sets default options for each question added to this form

# Methods

# addPage(Page page)

# addPage(Map pageDescriptor)

Add a single page to this form.

Parameter Type Default Description
page optional Page An already instantiated page
pageDescriptor optional Map A valid page descriptor to pass to the Page constructor

# addPages(List pages)

Add multiple pages at the same time

Parameter Type Default Description
pages List<Page | Map> A list of instantiated pages or valid page descriptors as described above

# addPlayer(Vertex player)

Add a player to this form

Parameter Type Default Description
player Vertex A player vertex

# addPlayers(List players)

Add multiple players to this form at once

Parameter Type Default Description
players List<Vertex> A list of player vertices

# calculatePercent(Score score)

Convert a score into a percentage.

Parameter Type Default Description
score Score A score as returned from getScore
# Returns


# clear()

Clear out all players / results for this form

# end()

End the form and perform cleanup for all players

# getScore(Vertex player)

This method will calculate the percentage of correct responses for this player

Parameter Type Default Description
player Vertex The player node to score
# Returns


# onDone(Closure cb)

Add a closure to run when the form is completed by a player

# start()

Start the form.

# Interfaces

# Form Definition

A Map with the following parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
name String The unique key to use to identify this form
stepper optional Boolean true Indicates whether or not the progress through the form should be shown
nonLinear optional Boolean false Indicates whether the form can only be navigated in order (this is the default) or if the players can jump to different pages
recordResults optional Boolean true Record an event for each page submission
recordNav optional Boolean false Record an event for each form navigation
pageDefaults optional Page Definition [:] Sets default options for each page added to this form
sectionDefaults optional Section Definition [:] Sets default options for each section added to this form
questionDefaults optional Question Definition [:] Sets default options for each question added to this form

# Page Definition

A Map with the following parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
title optional String "" The title to display for this page
onEnter optional Closure A closure that will be called when a player enters a page.
onExit optional Closure A closure that will be called when a player exits a page.
sectionDefaults optional Section Definition Default values to use for each section of this page.
blocks | questions List<Question Definition> The questions to show on this page
groups | sections optional List<Section Definition> The sections to show on this page. Can't be used with "questions" or "blocks".

# Section Definition

A Map with the following parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
blocks | questions List<QuestionDefinition> Questions to be shown in this section
subset optional Integer How many questions to randomly show to each player. Implies randomize: true
randomize optional Boolean false Whether or not to randomize the order of questions shown to each player
questionDefaults optional QuestionDefinition [:] Default values to use for each question in this section

# Question Definition

The question definition will vary depending on the question type. The base question definition is a Map with the following parameters and the parameters defined in ContentMap.

Parameter Type Default Description
type "choice", "html", "scale", "text" The type of question to use
name String The unique name to use for this question. Data recorded for this question will appear under this name
answer optional String The correct answer for this question
required optional Boolean true Whether or not this question can be skipped

# Choice Question

Show either a radio group or checkboxes depending on whether or not there can be more than one choice selected.

In addition to the base question parameters, this has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
multiple optional Boolean false Allow the user to select more than one choice
choices List<String | Choice> Which choices to display to the player
randomize Boolean false Whether or not to randomize the order of the choices

# Scale Question

Show one or more questions using a scale to respond.

In addition to the base question parameters, this has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
choices List<String | Choice> Which choices to display for each question
items List<ScaleItem)> The questions to ask

# HTML Question

Show some content to a player. Does not require a response from the participant. Only uses the properties defined in the base question.

# Text Question

Receive a free-text response. Can be used to receive comments or other long form responses to questions.

Has the following parameters in addition to the base question parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
inputType String "text" A valid HTML input type (opens new window)

# Interfaces

# Score

A Map with the following parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
correct Integer How many answers were correct
incorrect Integer How many answers were not correct
total Integer How many questions were asked
skipped Integer How many questions were skipped

# ScaleItem

A Map with properties from ContentMap and the following properties.

Parameter Type Default Description
value String | Number The value used to represent this item in the data